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Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona
cercador de professionals
Departament Internacional | Departament Internacional ICAB

Seminar presented by the UIA: IP Law Tools for Protecting Food Products Looking for the Perfect Pairing: Wine as a Case Study

La UIA (Unió Internacional d'Advocats), de la qual l'Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona (ICAB) n'és membre, ha organitzat un Seminari sobre “IP Law tools for protecting food products”, que se celebrarà a Verona (Itàlia) els dies 27 i 28 de maig de 2022.


The purpose of this seminar is to analyse basic issues of IPRs in agrifood industry and their practical enforcement in the international context. Legal experts, academics and practitioners will share their experiences and first-hand knowledge of leading cases, with a focus on wine business, even if take-aways apply to many other food products. Winemaking provides a comprehensive case study, starting from the testing and growing of new grape varieties, to business secrets, patents for novel grape harvesting machines and IPRs which guarantee the quality of the product, its geographical origin and link the bottled result to a particular winemaker.

Departament Internacional | Departament Internacional ICAB

Seminar presented by the UIA: IP Law Tools for Protecting Food Products Looking for the Perfect Pairing: Wine as a Case Study

Informació general

  • 27/05/2022 - 28/05/2022
  • Verona, Italy
  • Friday, May 27 & Saturday, May 28, 2022




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